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  • mdarwish1213

Snuggery Snuggles

Word of the Week Snuggery (snug-err-ee): A fun and fancy word for a cozy, comfortable place. This word is quite tricky to track down. It has ties to Old Swedish and Old Danish. The root word snug appears to come from Ireland and originally meant "a small room attached to a pub."

What's the story?

No, I didn't forget to say hello! Apparently, what's the story is a common Irish greeting, meaning "how is everything?".

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month! This time of year, most kids are heading back to school, if they're not already there. The American Library Association teams up with libraries from all around the country to remind parents that one of the most important school supplies of all is a library card. I couldn't agree more! This holiday has was established in 1987. Happy 34th birthday to it!

Do you have your own library card? Even now, I can think back to the day I got my own. Adults always had some sort of documentation with them. . .an identification card, a driver's license, insurance papers, the list goes on. Kids? Not so much. A library card was one of the first documents that had my name on it and that I was responsible for. In a way, it was my very own passport, transporting me from one place to another each time I read a new book. There was something magical about carrying it around with me. To this day, it's my most favorite and valuable card in my wallet. And if you don't have your own just yet, there's no time like the present to fix that!

I challenge you to celebrate all month long by reading books, books, and more books! But let's go back to the word of the week. How fun is the word SNUGGERY? And how neat would it be to have your very own, cozy, comfy corner to read those books? I think it's time that you create your own special space to make reading even more enjoyable! Here's a peek at where I like to snuggle up and escape real life.

One last challenge. Use the word snuggery as much as you can! Isn't it so fun to say?

Snuggle up, and until next time. . .


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