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  • mdarwish1213

Ringing in the New Year Around the Globe

Word of the Week

Resolution (rez-uh-loo-shun): A firm decision to do or not do something. It comes from the Latin word resolvere meaning “loosen” or “release”.


2020. What a year it has been. I haven’t focused a lot on everything we have had to deal with this year. . .individually, as a family, as a country, and even around the globe. Every single one of you should give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve made it through some very difficult times.

When times are hard, I think that it’s important to let yourself feel what you feel. Then it’s important to forge ahead and think of better times to come.

2021 is right around the corner. I’m not expecting life to instantly get back to normal, but I’m going to keep my positive attitude and remind everyone that you can always have a little fun. Though your celebrations this year will undoubtedly be different, I’m sure you have some traditions you can enjoy. There are so many interesting traditions practiced around the world to ring in the new year. I thought I could share some of the traditions around the globe with you. . .and I chose traditions that are food related. Yum!

America- The South: Black-eyed peas, Greens, and Cornbread These tiny beans start out small and expand when cooked. They are supposed to symbolize the expansion of wealth in the new year. The greens are the color of money, and the cornbread resembles gold. The combination is meant to bring good luck In the new year.

Argentina: Beans They believe eating beans will help them keep their current job or find a better one in the new year!

Armenia: Bread Loaf A large flat loaf of bread is baked with a single coin or walnut baked inside. Whoever finds the prize will have the best luck in the upcoming year.

Austria: Marzipanschwein Little sweets in the shape of pigs, made from marzipan decorate the dinner table. The pigs are thought to be good luck.

Denmark: Smashing Plates Okay- it’s not lucky food, but the plates are food related. Plates are smashed against the doors of your friends and neighbors to ensure good luck and rid the negative energy.

El Salvador: Raw Eggs Don’t worry- you don’t eat them! An egg is cracked into a glass of water a minute before midnight. The next morning, you look at the egg, decide what the yolk looks like, and that represents what the new year will bring.

Greece: Vasilopita A cake consumed at midnight. A gold coin is hidden inside the cake. Whoever gets the slice with the coin symbolizes luck and a successful upcoming year.

Italy: Lentils Lentils represent money and good fortune, with their coin like shape. They are usually eaten in a sausage stew.

Japan: Soba Noodles Eaten at midnight to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year. The long noodles are supposed to symbolize longevity and prosperity.

Mexico: Tamales Families gather to make hundreds of these to pass out to family, friends, and neighbors in the new year.

Philippines: Round Foods Round food items represent coins and symbolize prosperity in the new year. Their tables are covered with round fruits on New Year’s Eve.

Poland: Pickled Herring Their silver coloring is thought to bring a year of prosperity and gifts if eaten at midnight.

Spain: Twelve Grapes At the stroke of midnight, everyone eats one grape for each strike of the clock for good luck! Each grape represents each month of the year. The grape's taste (sweet or sour) represents if that month will be good or bad.

Sweden: Rice Pudding Rice pudding is served with an almond hidden inside. Whoever finds the almond will experience good fortune all year long.

Turkey: Pomegranate Nope- you don’t eat this one either. People smash the fruit onto their doorways. The more seeds that burst out, the more good fortune you will have in the new year. Don’t try this one at home. . .it might get messy.

Any patterns noticed? It seems like beans are considered to be pretty lucky around the globe. And hiding something in food also seems pretty popular. Sounds like fun to me! As long as you chew carefully, that is. Did you see any traditions your family might incorporate into their own? Please don't smash dishes or pomegranates without the okay from an adult! Haha!

I thought I’d leave you with the fun family activity! Maybe it will become a new tradition of yours.

Dime in the Flour To play you’ll need:

A dish (a pie tin or plate works well), flour in a cup, a dime, a butter knife Got it, now what?

Carefully turn the cup of flour upside down in the dish. Place the dime on top of the pile of flour. Each person takes a turn slicing at the flour to bring the pile down. Whoever makes the dime fall has to pick it up with their teeth! This game makes for great pictures of flour covered faces! Worried about germs? Make them pick the dime up with chopsticks instead.

Hope you enjoy your version of watching the ball drop this year. Take a moment to think about all you have overcome this year. Be proud of yourself. And think about all of the people who supported you along the way. End this crazy year with a simple to thank you to all those special people.

Talk to you next year! Gram

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