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Happy Accidents

Word of the Week

Irresistible (ear-uh-zist-uh-bull): Too attractive and tempting to be resisted.

National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is Monday, January 30th. I, for one, have always found popping bubble wrap to be irresistible!

Have you ever heard of the saying "a happy accident?" It turns out that lots of good things have been discovered while trying to create something entirely different. That's exactly how bubble wrap came to be!

In 1957, Alfred Fielding and Mare Chavannes were attempting to create textured wallpaper. They put two pieces of plastic shower curtains together and ran them through a heat sealing machine, resulting in lots and lots of tiny air pockets were created between the curtains. While it wasn't what they had hoped for, they decided to patent the idea and waited for the perfect way to use it.

Finally in 1961, they found their niche. IBM was looking for a way to protect their delicate computers during transit, and bubble wrap did just that! The product quickly evolved into different shapes, sizes, strengths, and thicknesses to meet the many different needs.

Fieldings' 5 year old son, Howard, was credited with popping his father's creation just for the fun of it. Once you start, it's hard to stop!

So, what do you do with that bubble wrap your packages arrived in? Before you recycle it, why not upcycle it? I have the perfect activity for you to pass the time the next time you're on the road for a big trip.

Grab a piece, glue it to some cardstock, and draw or paste a picture of something you'd find on your travels. Pop a bubble under the designated column any time you spot something on your card. Make multiple cards with different items to search for to create an On-The-Go version of BINGO so you can play with friends!

Stay Kind. . .


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